Monday, December 19, 2011

Collection: Donatello Pillow, 2k3 Raphael Kite

the pillow was given to me by my cousin about a month ago as an early xmas gift. and the kite was found at a dollar store.


  1. Hi! Pls tell me where can i buy a pillow like tht! I have one and it have been with me for around 15 yars! But today it went to the washing machine and i dont know if its going to make it :(
    Please! Or at least wht doest the sticker sewed aside says so i can go to the source!
    Thnx a. Lot!

  2. hey Iron_Warrior_ just got your email and replied :) thanks for following and the comments :)

    1. Where did you find this? My stepson had one that was his dad's and it was taken and we would really like to replace it.
